Iveco Daily 4x4 - Fixes and Tips
... highlighting Braking Issues on the Iveco Daily 4x4
Rear brake proportioning valve

Diff Breathers

Subsequently replaced with a diff breather kit from ebay which extends the front and rear breather hoses and breathers up under the bonnet
I had the rear pinion seal replaced by Melbourne Truck Center under warranty, and they had no problems with the aftermarket breather kit.
Key Fob / windows
Something you wont find in the owners instruction manual,if you leave a window down and your out of the truck, lock the doors then press the lock button again and hold the button down and the windows will close, the same thing works to open the windows using the unlock button.
Transferring Fuel
Don't transfer fuel from AUX tank into main tank whilst drivingthe trip computer does not like it, I was running low on fuel and started pumping on the go, AUX tank gauge showed about 1/2 tank had been pumped into the main tank but Main gauge kept going down until warning light came on, and 50k later the low level warning. I pulled over and stopped for 10 mins, still fuel level did not reset until I emptied a jerry can into the main tank, then Fuel level showed 3/4 !!. I have rewired AUX fuel pump to only pump whilst stopped & have wired in a timer , pumps 20 min (about 30l ) at a time
Check Light

The check light relates to the Hydraulic Fluid reservoir in the APU aka Hydraulic diff lock pump, under the metal cover above the spare wheel. If you have low or leaking hydraulic fluid the light will flash. The self test protocol also illuminates the check light when the truck is started.
If you need to add fluid and dont have an obvious leak then the fluid is leaking into one of the diffs. The Hydraulic fluid is a specific Synthetic fluid known as "Tutela G1/R" almost unobtainable in Australia, even at Iveco dealers. Penrite "LDAS" is more easily obtainable equivalent Synthetic Hydraulic fluid, $45.00 a liter - even the same color , best keep one in your spare parts box.
EDIT Update 2016 : after 65,000km the Center Diff Lock seal in the transfer case has failed, causing Hydraulic fluid to leak into the Transfer Case and contaminate the oil. The transfer case needs removal and dissasembly to replace a simple pair of o-rings. A job I am not willing to let Iveco Undertake . As a stopgap rather than contaminate my TC oil I have been running a mix of Syntrax and Moreys in the APU - as it leakes into the TC the excess oil blows out the breather into a catch can and is returned to the APU in a closed loop. Something Iveco would never dream of doing but has served me well until 90,000km.
Caution, Overheating Brakes - Powdercoated Rims
After a 7km 12% steep downhill stretch with the Caravan on Thunderbolts Way (Baxters Ridge Trail) found the downhill engine braking of the Iveco to be quite lacking (for want of a better term) and the Brakes to be sub standard. I have no idea how the 5th wheeler guys are going to cope. On this road there is no where to pull over to let the brakes cool and with the green Transfer case Lever forward and in low gear we still had trouble holding back without over revving, so much so that we had to stop at the first opportunity for an hour to let the brakes cool, and our van is only 1.8T and has its own electric brakes too !!A word of caution, if you have local aftermarket Powder Coated Wheels be very careful to retension the wheel nuts after your brakes get hot. The plastic softens and will squeeze out and the nut torque becomes zero ft-lb, A few days later I heard a clunk and felt some backlash and found all my wheelnuts on the front right side loose a few turns and could be easily undone the rest of the way by hand, Consider myself very lucky I did not loose a wheel.
Because there is no taper on the wheel nuts they need to be tensioned and rechecked weekly if not daily !!
I have fitted some 27mm checkpoint loose wheel nut indicators, can tell at a glance if a wheel nut has loosened.
An 'SGV Australia' or 'Gearing Dynamics' exhaust brake would overcome this problem but fitment voids the Iveco Warranty, I'll be booking ours in to get the Exhaust Brake fitted as soon as our Warranty has expired. Luckily 99% of the Australia we plan on touring is Flat, will save any more mountain treks for when we get the exhaust brake !!
Squab Length Adjustment (Horizontal seat cushion)

As good as some ISRI seats are, one thing I found about driving the Iveco was it seemed I was sitting ON the seat instead of IN the seat. I had the feeling that the seat squab was too short, especially after the long squab Recaro seats in my LandRover.
There actually is an adjustment to move the seat squab (base cushion) forward about 30-40 mmm, We have ours all the way forward and makes a huge differeance, the seat is way better, beyond me why its not in the book, meybe some OHS BS about jamming fingers ??
The squab can also be pulled forward and completely removed for maintenance access under the seat.
Switch Panel

The other switch with the fan on it had me struggling, Every time I
push it an alarm sounds, but its true reason is to stop the main engine
fan from running, this is an excellent feature for crossing deep water
or fording a river, to eliminate the danger of the fan blades
'propelling' forward into the radiator. The alarm is to remind you to
switch the fan back on once the river is crossed.
the leftmost switch next to my USB flash drive is the door lock / unlock switch (not in the manual) , most useful if you have autoclose set .
Craig Maddox from WA Iveco emailed with some great news, A factory accesory light switch is avaliable, there are several blank switch positions where this can be fitted, Part number 5801465646. (shown in the photo to the right)
4 Wheel Driving - Diff Locks
The Diff Locks are controlled by the AFAM Diff Lock computer under the drivers seat, the owners manual does not fully explain the diff lock operation.
The center Diff lock must be engaged before the rear diff lock will engage,
The front diff lock can not be engaged unless the rear diff lock is engaged.
The center diff lock can not be engaged at speed, you must slow to below 40kmh before the computer will allow center diff lock,
The center diff lock automatically disengages over 70kmh
The rear diff lock will not engage above 20kmh, automatically disengages over 40kmh
The front diff lock will not engage above 15, automatically disengages over 30kmh
(Note: when Center Diff Lock is engaged the ABS automatically disengages)
Update July 2017
The programme of the AFAM Computer / Logic Control Unit is factory set and can not be interrogated nor adjusted, however Marcus Tuck had designed a replacment Arduino controlled AFAM which is a vast improvment on the Iveco AFAM with almost instant Diff Lock engagment and enhanced functions. The Arduino AFAM solution is undergoing final development stages and will soon be avaliable for purchase from (for off road use only)
Speedo Calibration & Fooling the Diff Lock Computer
The Speedo on the 55S17W reads approx 10kmh out when running the standard 17.5" rims with (34") XZY road tyres. With 37" aftermarket rubber the speedo is spot on. Some Iveco service centers will tell you that they can not calibrate the speedo, but it can be done with Iveco EASY when hooked up to Iveco Teleservices server in Italy. Any competent Iveco service center should be able to prform this task.Alternatively, if you like to use road tyres for running about and 37" MT's for adventures there is a DIY solution using an aftermarket speedo calibrator. You easily can switch between "standard speedo" & "recalibrated speedo" and no need to visit Iveco Service Center !!
The actual reason I devised this solution was not because of tyre sizes but because of the unsatisfactory speed programming built into the SCAM Diff Lock Computer under the driver seat. The most annoying feature of the Iveco Daily 4x4 is the fact that the Center Diff Lock automatically disengages at 70kmh. The DL pre-program might suit snowy european winters but does not Suit Australian outback touring.
Its very frustrating just when your getting up to an ideal outback road corrugation smoothing speed of 75-80 kmh when the Diff Lock drops out at 70 kmh, not so much that you really need the diff lock but braking distances are much much shorter on these roads when ABS is deactivated , as it is when CDL engaged.
There is no fault or programming interface on the SCAM Diff Lock Computer, but if the CPU 'thinks' the truck is going 70kmh , when the vehicles true GPS speed is more like 90kmh then the diff lock will not auto-disengage until 90km - that will work for me. Simple solution, Enter the Yellow Box speedo re-calibrator , Not so simple as it seems, As with almost every other feature of the Iveco the speedo sensor seems to be opposite normal automotive convention. Unlike every other sensor the are two Hall effect outputs in the sensor , one to the speedo , one to the Tacograph (unused in Australia) , whats more every other speedo sensor in the entire automotive world outputs a square wave relative to Ground, Iveco output is relative to the +12v Ign feed, which thwarts any attempt to use an aftermarket speedo recalibrator.
The solution is to Invert the Square wave so that it is relative to Ground, instead of +ve, I tried several cheap Solid State relays, and home made Mosfet Inverter but after a few weeks of hair pulling I tried a $50.00 Mosfet relay from Jaycar - which worked immediately. I can not understand why this relay works and the other solutions did not.
With the simple wiring diagram below we have the ability to switch between standard speedo, or an 'adjusted' speedo which the user can calibrate via buttons on the Yellow Box, either for using Road or Off-Road tyres, or in my case I switch the toggle mounted near CDL switch, when I want to drive in slippery gravel roads , this ensures the CDL stays engaged at whatever speed I wish to program Yellow Box.

Speedo sensor wires are
Pin 1 = 5514, ignition positive (orange)
Pin 2 = 0058, earth (brown)
Pin 3 = 5517, positive pulse (orange) - to speedo
Pin 4 = 5516, negative pulse (orange) - to tacograph
The Yellow Box solution is completely harmless to CanBus system, and
the ECU is not programmed to detect a conflict between Speedo sensor
and ABS wheel speed sensor,
No faults or errors are present in ECU, even when switching into, or
out of YB Correction on the move. However when testing to find a
solution I did inject about 3000hz into ECU and the speedo measured a
top speed of 224.86kmh, It seems I set a new Guiness Book World Record
top speed for Iveco Daily 4x4
For the technically minded at left is the CRO trace, before and after the Yellow Box speedo correction, The speed can be ajdusted up or down in increments of 1% via the programming buttons on the speedo recalibrator.
Fuse / Relay Box / Horn Relay
(update - Oct 2015 - 70,000km)
My Eltrac EASY Diagnostics tool has been showing a Faulty Horn Relay for a few months now.
This started when my Horn fuse blew, I replaced the fuse which resulted
in a working horn, but I was troubled by the following fault report
from Iveco BCU (Body Computer)
Faults 6/10/2015 3:35:48 PM
Identification Parameters
VIN ZCFD55C800594****
Fault not decoded
DTC: 0x216C FMI: 0x4 Status: PRES. REPETITION: 1

I could do nothing but ignore the fault and put it down to another Italian Electrical 'quirk'.
Recently I was in Jaycar and noticed they have same style relays in stock for $6.50 (Genuine Iveco Relay Part No 504061450 are $45.00 AU) I bought a relay and replaced the Genuine Horn relay with Jaycar, horn still works, but significantly the active fault in BCU is now in history and can be cleared using Iveco EASY diagnostic tool.
Dmitry Bernt (electronics expert from Moscow), explains that instead of
using a spark supressor diode they now put a cheap resistors parallel
to the coil. Thus, if wires are not perfect (there is a drop voltage on
them) the coil weakens because of current going through these
I opened up the Iveco relay and sure enough it has a cheap metal film resistor, (not even soldered), more the case the Iveco relays are not even sealed, the cover just pops off, not good form in an off-road vehicle, prone to dust and moisture ingress. The Jaycar relay not only solved the fault condition, it is also fully sealed.
More Alternative Parts
According to the ACCC you do not have to use genuine parts but you do need to use parts of "appropriate quality" to keep your new vehicle warranty alive. I interpret that as being equivalent to or better than Original Equipment.
Air Cleaner Element.
Genuine element is Iveco 1903669 , about $85.00 (made in Italy)Donaldson P828889 , $45 (made in Australia)
comparing the filters side by side the Donaldson looks and feels much better quality, The Iveco has a plastic cage to contain a paper filter media, Donaldson has expanded steel mesh enclosing a waterproof cellulose media. The Donaldson also has approx 20% more media surface area, with 12 pleats for every 10 on the genuine filter. Also the orange "silicone" that the Iveco filter is encased in easily breaks apart, its more like a dense sponge than a silicone rubber. After comparing filters I am no longer happy to use the genuine filter.

Oil Filter Element
Genuine element is Iveco 2995655 , about $70.00Ryco have 2 choices, the Z141 which is also fitment for the Fiat Ducato 3.0 (same engine as ours) $27.00
or the Z516 $17.00 The Z516 is a short length filter also specced for Ford V8's and the powerhouse Ford 6.5L V10 . This is my filter of choice, the smaller oil capacity means faster full pressure lubrication on a cold engine giving full oil feed to the hydrailic timing chain tensioner reducing cold engine noise and wear . My thoughts are if this filter is good for a 6.5L V10 then its fine on a 3.0L 4 cylinder, but keep oil changes around 10-15,000km
As to weather Iveco will honor warranty caused by a faulty Aftermarket oil filter - I doubt it, ACCC say they have to, but in any case Ryco have an voluntary warranty which covers any damage proven to be caused by a faulty oil filter.

Engine belts
Do not skimp on Engine drive belts, You will be able to find the same size belts cheaper elsewhere but my advice, use genuine Iveco only, especially the stretch fit AC belt , not there is no adjuster or tensioner on the AC and a special belt is required.
Fuel Filter cartrige
Use only genuine Iveco fuel filter cartridge, every 40,000km . However you should have installed aftermarket water trap/ sedimenter in the line coming from the tank, in place of the original lawnmower sized gauze filtr. Change those with appropriate aftermarket elements every 10,000km.Alternative Front Brake Pads
Front Brake pads on the 2006 - 2015 Iveco Daily 4x4 55S17W, are the same as front pads on 2002-2005 Daily (2WD) 35S13
Iveco part 504329186 $220 - OEM= very bad brakes on this truck.
EBC DP12942 $175 - 10-15% better stopping power than Genuine
LPR GDB1534 $40 - made in Italy, - I now have these on my truck, check my thoughts on the Brake Issues page.
Tyres & Wheels
As mentioned previously there are two wheel & tyre options avaliable from Iveco Australia.
the road tyre is a 9.5-R17.5 Michelin XZY (32" dia) 6" x 17.5 rims, Truck speed limited to 120kph
the off road tyre is 255/100 R16 Michelin XZL (36" dia) on 16 x 6.5 Tubeless Split Rim, Truck Speed Limited to 100kph
problem with the standard Wheel/ Tyre choices is that there are NO
offroad tyres avaliable for the 17.5 truck rims, the road tread pattern
would be fine for outback / sand / beach but the truck tyre
construction needs a high pressure.
On the other hand the Iveco Offroad tyre choice, The 255/100R16
Michelin XZL, is a Legendary off road tyre, but the XZL is the only
tyre avaliable in that size, (apart from some 9.00-16 Chinese YellowSea
Michelin lookalikes but not avaliable in Aust) The drawback with the
XZL is they are very expensive in the area of $850 EACH, and speed
limited to 100Kph
A new Alloy rim is now avaliable from Expedition Vehicles Australia Pty Ltd, based on the Sunshine Coast. EVA are producing vehicles based on the Iveco Daily 4x4. Almost all the components are built in house at their purpose built facility, allowing for rapid customisation and later modification or repair.
EVA has alloy wheels purpose manufactured for the Iveco daily 4x4.
Every aspect of the rim has been designed and built to their specifications, using elements usually found on high end off road race rims, to make them bulletproof.
They are approved for road use in Australia and ASIA, to 1800kg loading, are 17” x 9” and weigh in at 13.5kg, and are also undergoing TUV certification for European sales.

Recieved email from Pete & Danni in regard to tyres, ( the links are worth a visit)
This is very interesting reading for the IVECO owners who know nothing about the Hankook DYNAPRO MT
that Travel Trucks offer with their rim package. Tyres are often a largely forgotten about component when
it comes to 4x4’s. We all can see a tyre and think WOW!!! That will work well in the bush because it
looks awesome, but there is more than meets the eye with tyre selection. Not sure if you want to add
something about this to your website mate.
The selection criteria and tyres tested: The overall result: Cheers Pete
Transfer Case Lever Boot

Here is a tip, An aftermarket Landrover Defender Gear lever gaiter costs 20.00 GBP plus 5.00 GBP from UK. AND is a PERFECT FIT !!!
I wrecked one USB phone charger cord by jamming it in the hole whilst
changing gears, and Im sure the lever box is slowly filling with dust,
crumbs and other crud that falls onto the floor.
Search Ebay Item 370519246077
The Landrover boot fits straight on, no tools or dissasembly required (the knobs just twist & pull on), The elastic of the boot fits snugly around the Iveco lever box.
Transfer Case bolt rubbing Fuel tank!

Whilst under my truck looking at the transfer case I found another issue that requires immediate attention, I noticed the top left transfer case mounting bolt protrusion rubbing on the fuel tank & if left unchecked is likely to wear a hole right into the tank. This should be a warranty repair but I have made the issue good, until my next visit to Iveco Service Center, by putting a 7.5mm spacer behind the bolt head, thus pulling the exposed thread away from the tank.
Fuel Cooler
It seems the Temperature Guage on the Daily measures a combination of Coolant and Fuel Temperature. I have noticed that the very loud, electric clutch activated, Radiator Fan engages when the Temp guage is about half way between 1/2 and 3/4 and switches off when the Temp guage gets back to 1/2. After checking the ECU history log of my truck I also noticed my engine coolant has never been above 105c (but the Fuel Temperature and Temp guage has been up to 3/4). I also notice when pumping cool fuel across from the AUX tank into the Main tank the Temp Guage lowers, I can not understand why there would be an algorithym to bring Fuel Temp into the Temparature Guage because switching on the Radiator Fan will not lower fuel temperature.CRD engines are costantly pumping fuel around through the rail and back into the tank via a return line, the very high pressure the fuel is placed under so that it can be forced through the injectors, causes it to heat up. The pressurised hot return fuel is pumped back into the tank. It gets hotter and hotter as the fuel level decreases as it only has the fuel voulume in the tank to cool it down.
Toyota / Landrover and most other CRD 4x4 vehicles have a fuel cooler in the return line as standard equipment, Even the Fiat Ducato does, The Iveco 4x4 does not !!!.
I mounted a Hot Rod universal 12" Alloy Finned Dual Pass cooler to the rear step of the truck, perfect place, gets all round air flow and plumbed it into the return line. The difference between the in and out hoses in anly a few degrees (with IR temp gun) but until I do another 40,000km and compare my ECU logs I wont know as fact, but there certainly seems to be noticebly less Radiator Fan activity!!

Best let us know so other owners are aware and can prevent an issue before it occurs
20,000km Progress report
As we are on tour I booked into Iveco Adelaide (Burton) for my first service, ( I chose to have 20k service intervals rather than 40k , since I'm using the truck off road) Checked out 100% no issues at all.
Post service update
They must have checked my power steering level when doing the 20k
service because 1000km later I notice the reservoir leaking, removed
cap to find the o-ring seal broken, luckily I have an assortment of
o-rings and had the correct size to replace it with. Also noticed leak
from transfer case and found all the rear output housing bolts loose,
tightened housing, then removed , cleaned and loctited the bolts one at
a time.
Wiper Blade Issue
Jason sent me this photo of a wiper issue.
The metal strip inside the wiper blade came out and did some damage to the paint around the windscreen,
"I will be replacing the wipers with a better set, before the next time
it causes more issue, will also send a photo of my truck, love your
page it's great,
would be awesome to have an iveco get together"
Radiator Hose Zip tie Rub Through
This is a particularly common fault on Landrover Defender Tdci models, and I even had a rub thru on my Td5 so gave the Iveco a good check around the hoses when it was new. All seemed good.
Just received an email from Bluey that at 6,900km - engine coolant warning light came on - top radiator hose rubbing against head of zip tie - dealer replaced hose and relocated zip tie.

Ok I just checked our truck again and the location of Bluey's rub through is hard to see, and not much room to get your hand in to feel about, but the sharp end of our ziptie was away from the hose, but I did add some layers of tape where a bypass hose holder was very close .
Another Fault from Bluey, 7,250km - EDC failure lights came on, then DPF light - Iveco dealer did a regeneration burn via the laptop, then EOBD light came on dealer diagnosed and replaced pressure sensor all OK now.
Bluey also submitted an issue he has had since new, a diesel leak has been tracked down to the equaliser vent pipe, this joins the front and rear sections of the tank, The genuine item is a cheap conveluted plastic hose and has some pinholes in it, Bluey has replaced with some decent fuel/oil transfer hose. The same cheap type of pipe is used for the masin tank vent, a possible trouble point down the track.
40,000km Progress report
My truck has been trouble free right up to the 40k service at Brisbane Iveco, no issues found but they did replace both engine belts.
BUT since the service I has an engine light come on with "check service" warning message, IVECO service technician failed to connect to OBD2 port and tell the ECM that the truck was serviced, nor reset the DPF counter. Since we are travelling I could not return to the same service center so called into Goondiwindi Iveco where they managed to extinguish the engine light (but could not reset DPF) .
Another few hundred km later a Spanner symbol appeared on the deash with "Service voucher expired" , another dealer could not fix it, next day truck went into Limp Mode and service code 024 displayed on dash. After switching off & restarting it has been fine since, I have had no response from Iveco on this and my complaint has been passed to head office, still no response.
Neils Truck a message from Neil Barralet, I thought worth repeating here.
Hi Don
I have now done 25800 km not much for a 2 year old truck. But I have
been across the Simpson Desert east to west, to the tip of Cape York
and a week on Fraser Island plus short trips around home with the 4x4
club I am a member of. The Iveco has proven itself as a capable 4X4.
I have the same issue as you with the transfer box mounting bolt touching the fuel tank, but I will get them to fix that when they replace the other 2 bushes after they arrive from Italy. It has a shuddering at low speed which they tell me is the transfer case bushes allowing the box to shake. I also had the fuel hose wear through under the bonnet, I don’t know if it was relocated when wiring was installed for the motorhome or if it was badly located in the factory
The most serious issue from new was it pumped water out of the radiator reservoir. The radiator required a stop to refill to do 100km. They tried everything without fixing it, as a last resort they removed the head to have it tested. And were to replace it with a new one but because they sent the single turbo head from Melbourne they reinstalled the original head. the issue was that 2 head bolts were not tightened correctly. Turns out not such a serious issue after all.
What concerns me more is the "check' warning light that came on and stayed on most of the time. It is in the centre of the dash near the diff lock switches. No one could tell me what it was for not even Iveco. My guess was it had something to do with the diff locks, but they wouldn’t listen to me. Turns out it was the oil level for the diff lock reservoir. But where had all the oil gone, there was no leaks. A check of the oil level in the rear diff gave us the answer. It was pumped full of hydraulic oil. It did the trip across the Simpson like that. I went to the dealer in Rockhampton on my way home and they also could not solve the problem, I eventually did a “Homer Simpson” and put duct tape over the light because kept distracting me.
Once they found out what the issue was. The rear diff was so full of oil it gushed out under pressure once the bung was removed.
Which bring up another issue, brake oil leak from the little box above the rear diff. I fixed the leak by tightening the nut. Enough oil leaked so that the engine management system kept telling me it needed more brake fluid, a simple task to top up the fluid but it took 2 hours for them to open the bonnet first. The remote cable had come off the latch under the bonnet on the second day across the desert. A common issue apparently.
Brake Problems
the brake issue is so important that I have dedicated a new page just for brake issues click this link for Brakes
Transfer Case Cooler
Check this out, Many transfer cases have been replaced under warranty due to overheating / oil failure.Simple DIY fix that Iveco is ignoring. First thing you should do is dump the cheap Factory mineral oil and replace with the best quility Synthetic GL5 75W90 transaxle oil - eg Castrol Syntrax. see Transfer Case Cooler
Iveco Diagnostics / Eltrac EASY
Iveco use a propietry scan tool, A few years ago that tool is not for sale in Australia. It was only avaliable for lease to Authorised Iveco Dealers only, at great expense (in the area of $20k) plus annual update subscription in the area of $3.5k per annum. This is an anti compeditive policy, that ties you to have your services done at Iveco .Of course these tools (and cloned copies) are avaliable from overseas sellers but because of Iveco's policy they have attracted outrageous prices in the area of $5-6000
GREAT NEWS is that Iveco Australia are now selling genuine Eltrac ECI Easy tool for less than $2000, It makes sense to buy your own diagnostic tool, you then have the freedom to get independent servicing done (to maintain Warranty) , and once warranty is over you have the freedom to do your own servicing, the diagnostic tool makes fault finding very easy. Also, of course, when touring remote the last thing you want is an EOBD fault and have the truck go into limp mode or worse, stop dead !! Plug EASY in, self diagnose, clear fault and your on the road again, or at least can call in the correct parts (if you dont carry them) , much preferable than getting a recovery to a capital city dealer.

as well as its diagnostic functions, EASY can poll the entire history of the truck which is recorded in ECU, below is a saved file from EASY, Iveco Dealers can see all this data whenever you go in for service, if you abuse your vehicle big brother will know !!
Date.......................................................9/01/2015 Hour.....................................................11:26:10 AM DM_EURO4_ECS3............................................... v1.0.17 E.C.U. version...........................................P_591 4.7.3 FAILURES IN THE ECU MEMORY: 1 TVA THROTTLE VALVE - SHORT CIRCUIT TO GROUND DTC: 7137 - OBD CODE: P2141 STATUS: INTERMITTENT RIPETIZIONI: 4 Enviromental Conditions: DTC 7137 "LONGTERM" FAULT NO *** FIRST TIME *** ENGINE REVOLUTIONS Missing Label! 0 Rpm VEHICLE SPEED Missing Label! 0 Km/h BATTERY VOLTAGE Missing Label! 13.04 Volt *** LAST REGISTRATION *** ENGINE REVOLUTIONS Missing Label! 0 Rpm VEHICLE SPEED Missing Label! 0 Km/h BATTERY VOLTAGE Missing Label! 12.90 Volt 2D Map: Engine speed/Calculated load value +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 3600..4200 | 2m44s 16s 39s 3m40s | | 3000..3600 | 59m39s 19m31s 3h6m18s 3h43m28s | | 2400..3000 | 11h58m25s 10h3m14s 39h11m38s 68h59m57s | | rpm-% | 0..25 25..50 50..75 75..100 | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ 2D Map: Engine speed/Calculated load value +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 1800..2400 | 52h50m8s 57h52m10s 123h32m8s 156h21m48s | | 1200..1800 | 50h42m2s 42h7m59s 24h13m4s 19h17m2s | | 600..1200 | 111h4m32s 48h42m55s 6h0m9s 2h10m56s | | rpm-% | 0..25 25..50 50..75 75..100 | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ 2D Map: Vehicle speed/Engine speed +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 126..151 | 3s 0s 0s 0s | | 101..126 | 11s 4s 31h17m10s 1h29m52s | | 76..101 | 1m36s 184h22m13s 72h50m5s 6m2s | | km/h-rpm | 600..1500 1500..2400 2400..3300 3300..4200 | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ 2D Map: Vehicle speed/Engine speed +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 51..76 | 3h8m8s 166h25m53s 16h46m41s 14m46s | | 26..51 | 19h22m17s 90h24m25s 11h29m16s 26m46s | | 1..26 | 70h46m49s 42h20m13s 4h20m6s 5m10s | | km/h-rpm | 600..1500 1500..2400 2400..3300 3300..4200 | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ 2D Map: Filtered flow resistance of the particulate filter/Simulated soot mass in particulate filter +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 0.35..0.42 | 46m22s 17m25s 2s 1m31s | | 0.28..0.35 | 4h36m2s 1h18m34s 1h48m8s 3h18m2s | | 0.21..0.28 | 17h24m1s 21h19m37s 55h1m20s 2h22m50s | |hPa/(m^3/h)-g| 0..15 15..30 30..45 45..60 | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ 2D Map: Filtered flow resistance of the particulate filter/Simulated soot mass in particulate filter +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 0.14..0.21 | 76h30m13s 129h3m36s 66h22m15s 3h29m32s | | 0.07..0.14 | 269h20m15s 145h50m7s 63h49m57s 3m14s | | 0..0.07 | 3h42m28s 3h19m44s 1h4m44s 0s | |hPa/(m^3/h)-g| 0..15 15..30 30..45 45..60 | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ 1D Map: The upstream temperature in Particle filter +----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
| | 46h23m52s 48m31s 2h16m12s 1m19s |
| [deg C] | 400..500 500..600 600..700 700..800 |
1D Map: Sensed engine coolant temperature
| | 65h42m25s 0s 0s 0s |
| [deg C] | 99..106 106..113 113..120 120..127 |
1D Map: Fuel temperature
| | 139h33m31s 16h12m33s 29m2s 0s |
| [deg C] | 50..60 60..70 70..80 80..90 |
1D Map: Calculated load value
| | 325h22m34s 193h52m23s 294h25m46s 56h32m50s |
| [%] | 0..33.00 33.00..66.00 66.00..99.00 99.00..132 |
1D Map: Maximum rail pressure during last 10ms
| | 229h49m32s 195h22m58s 247h42m40s 164h49m7s |
| [bar] | 100..550 550..1000 1000..1450 1450..1900 |
1D Map: Engine speed
| | 0s 0s 0s 0s |
| [rpm] | 4200..4300 4300..4400 4400..4500 4500..4600 |
Single range timers and event counters
| Description | Range | Timers | Counters |
| | | | |
|Engine speed | > 50 rpm | 838h31m50s| 2881|
|Engine speed | > 4600 rpm | 0s| 0|
|Sensed engine coolant temperature | -100 < deg C < 5 | 2m44s| 6|
|Sensed engine coolant temperature | > 127 deg C | 0s| 0|
|Fuel temperature | > 90 deg C | 0s| 0|
|Current fuel pressure | > 1900 bar | 0s| 0|
|Vehicle speed | > 151 km/h | 0s| 0|
|glow plug control on/off status | > 1 - | 3h49m42s| 963|
|Fan speed set point | > 0.01 % | 381h57m51s| 18246|
|Status of fuel filter heater | > 1 - | 0s| 0|
|Barometric pressure | 0 < bar < 0.80 | 0s| 0|
|Barometric pressure | 0.80 < bar < 0.90 | 3h48m48s| 278|
|Desired PoI1 injection quantity | > 0.10 mg/hub | 2h31m8s| 122|
|Filtered flow resistance of the particulate filter| > 0.42 hPa/(m^3/h) | 0s| 0|
|Active operation mode | > 1 - | 0s| 0|
Data Integrators
| Description | Unit | Value |
| | | |
|Desired PoI1 injection quantity | mg/hub | 5570918|
Min Max physical values
| Description | Unit | Min | Max |
| | | | |
|Engine speed | rpm | 0| 4204|
|Sensed engine coolant temperature | deg C | -3.60| 105|
|Current fuel pressure | bar | 0| 1835|
|The upstream temperature in Particle filter | deg C | -3.80| 790|
|Sensed pressure downstream of the particle filter| bar | -0.11| 1.07|
Engine data
| Description | Unit | Value |
| | | |
|Application parameter for total vehicle distance | m | 44700363|
|Engine on time | | 837h21m13s|
|Application parameter for ECU operating time | | 886h25m43s|
|Total number of Engine revolutions. | r | 91693000|
|fuel consumption per driving cycle [ul] (only torque relevant injection quantity)| l | 8010|
Some interesting stats from the above data,
the data at the
time of testing shows the truck has covered 44700363m, which is
44,700km (the truck speedo actually shows 45594km so that is a bit odd,
total fuel used = 8010L which gives 17.57 L/100k (higher than I'm really getting) .
Max engine speed = 4202 RPM (That would be screaming downhill in low gear- I have not been thrashing it)
Speeding in the 126-151 kmh range ( but only for 3 seconds officer) this evidence is not admissible in a court of law
highest coolant temp recorded = 105c , Happy with that, it def does not suffer from overheating
DPF temp = 790c = thats very disturbing , Aluminium melts at 630c,
paper and dry grass ignite at about 250c, WARNING - dont drive yout DPF
equipped vehicle through dry grass - spinnifex.