Going Bush


  No Fixed Address

page under re-constructions, lots of broken links (May 2014) )

We set up this webpage a few years ago for family and friends to keep track of us whilst were on outback expeditions.

Use the menu bar at the top to navigate the site




Whilst travelling we were inspired to write some books, firstly Val wrote an Autobiography (unpublished), then The Magic Rock an awesome childrens book. Her first Novel Enya a Time Travel, Scottish history, romance, not a bad read actually, then Enemy on Home Soil, an adults Action / Drama. and lastly the Invisible Threat, all great reads.

They are avaliable for purchase as softcover and pdf on Blurb. I had a crack at a Tech Tips guide on the Iveco 4x4.


The Magic Rock

By Val Incoll


By Val Incoll

Enemy on Home Soil

By Val Incoll

Invisible Threat (Soft Cover)

By Val Incoll

Compleat Idiots Iveco Daily 4x4

By Don Incoll